The Case for Cardsphere vs. Buylisting

Guilluame Robert asks: If I want to change out my deck, what's the best choice to maximize value, Cardsphere or buylisting? All the data is here.

7 Min Read

Covid-19 and Cardsphere

Ted shares information on the impact of Covid-19 on the Cardsphere community.

2 Min Read

Dog Days: Level Up Your Standard Game When Standard Is Solved

Darin Keener espouses on things to do in Standard when it's dead.

5 Min Read

Join the Cardsphere Folding@home Team

Longtime Cardsphere user Wesley Mauk has started up a team to donate idle computer resourcers to research into defeating Cancer and COVID-19.

4 Min Read

EDH Deck Conversion: Modern Soul Sisters

JD McKeehan is back with one more deck coversion to EDH. This time it's Rune-tail leading a Soul Sister pillow fight!

10 Min Read

Hour of Devastation Draft Primer

Hour of Devastation is back on MTGO, and Lord Tupperware provides all the information flashback drafters need to get going in the format.

12 Min Read

Pioneer Downshift: Standard UW Blinky

Darin Keener looks to Pioneer and finds a deck worth bringing back to Standard.

7 Min Read

Solving the Mysteries

Cliff Daigle breaks down the trajectory of convention Mystery Boosters to predicty what's going to happen with the retail Mystery boosters.

4 Min Read

Welcome to the New Creator Program!

Elizabeth Rice shares thoughts about WotC's new creator program, breaking down its strengths and weaknesses, and her hopes for the program's future.

8 Min Read

The Great Escape: Exploring an A+ Mechanic

Lord Tupperware examines Escape and how it, and other graveyard strategies, affect deck construction and gameplay.

7 Min Read