Sunrise, Sunset: Evaluating Older Decks Post-B&R

Darin Keener reflects on which older decks may have new life post-banning, or could get new toys with Core 2021.

5 Min Read

Return of Jolrael, Catwoman of MTG

Elizabeth Rice's got her eye on a new commander in Core 2021, from the far off jungles of Mwonvuli: Jolrael. Check it out!

5 Min Read

The New and Familiar Friends of Winota

Skybilz is back and so is Winota. The bannings just made more room for different payoffs and new adventures. @OXG_Esports

Limited Lessons: Reading Between the Lines

Lord Tupperware goes through some recent plays and discusses reading opponents' plays, and making sure that you aren't leaking information to them.

10 Min Read

Swing and a Miss: Consequences of the June 1st B&R Update

Guillaume Robert anticipates the impact of Monday's errata and bannings across Standard, Pioneer and Modern. Are you ready for your new meta?

16 Min Read

To Speak or Not to Speak: A Content Creator's Role in Socioeconomic and Political Affairs

Elizabeth Rice discusses a significant challenge faced by many content creators: what to say or not say about the state of the world outside of your subject matter.

8 Min Read

What Cardsphere Is, and Isn't

Cliff Daigle talks about being an early Cardsphere adopter, and what he's learned about using the system.

4 Min Read

GreYAYA: Historic Mono-Black Devotion

Mono Black Control variants are found across pretty much every format. Darin Keener runs this list out in Historics on Arena.

7 Min Read

Straight outta the Cardsphere Discord, mod Josh Moore introduces his new index site for building your own pauper battle box!

2 Min Read

Cardsphere Year Three in Review

Ted reviews Cardsphere's third year, sharing some data as always, and ruminates on challenges faced and plans for the future.

27 Min Read