EDH Deck Conversion: Vintage Dredge

JD McKeehan kicks off a series on converting competitive 60 card decks to playable Commander lists.

7 Min Read

Rotation Before The Rush

Cliff Daigle returns with his thoughts on some standout cards and the best times to acquire or dump them.

5 Min Read

Auld Lang Scry: My MTG New Year's Resolutions

Darin Keener ruminates over what changes he can make to improve his play in 2020.

5 Min Read

My SCG Con Experience was Crazy

AlbyMTG offers up an exhaustive review of his first large scale event: the SCG invitational.

38 Min Read

2019 Cardsphere Secret Santa Wrap Up

Missing Christmas already? Josh takes you on one last walk through a winter wonderland in the wrap up of the 3rd Annual Cardsphere Secret Santa

5 Min Read

All I want for Cubesmas is Jund

It’s simple: I love to cube. We’ve had some incredible Limited formats this year, so I haven’t dipped my toe into all the Cube offerings from Magic Online, but now that Vintage Cube is here, I just want to be drafting it all the time. Power 9, fast mana, busted…

8 Min Read

Finding Meaning from the Mythic Championship

Elizabeth Rice discusses her experiences and takeaways from Mythic Championship VII in her first article for Cardsphere.

7 Min Read

Community Spotlight: Paper Tiger

If you've ever received a trade from Paper Tiger, you remember the packaging! He takes us through how he came to make such beautiful things.

4 Min Read

Two Rowdy Parties: Fun and Illustrative Options in Standard 3.0!

Darrin Keener takes another look at some draft bombs to see if there's a hidden Standard Constructed all-star.

6 Min Read

EDH - A plan for the New Year

One of the major complaints about Magic: the Gathering is the cost.  With Commander/EDH being an eternal format, it can be somewhat less expensive than chasing rotating Standard, but with the depth of the card pool and playability of costly reserved list cards, price can still be a major factor.

8 Min Read