Technology, on the Stack

Following Ted's advice I'm taking a short break from writing code... to write an article about writing code. Story of my life. My day job involves coding. It's a great workplace but there's only so much satisfaction I can get from a job where I'm told what to do.

5 Min Read

What If We Wrote a Blog and No One Showed Up?

Greetings Spheroids, This is the first time I've sat down to write something for Trading Posts specifically. We just launched the blog today, so I spent much of the weekend backfilling the content from Facebook, Youtube, and our support site. Sure, there's lots of room to evolve but…

2 Min Read

How to Package Cards

Josh shows us the recommended way to package your cards for sending via regular post.

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Hitting the Kill Switch

Cardsphere has always offered users a way to protect themselves against price spikes. Given the volatility of card prices, we knew that being able to limit offers was something that all traders deserved. That’s why it was available when we launched, and remains a feature available to all users.

2 Min Read

Why Was My Payment Card Not Accepted?

Cardsphere partners with Stripe for payment processing. Stripe allows Cardsphere to accept payment with: Visa Mastercard American Express Some debit cards Payment with a Discover card or crypto currencies such as Bitcoin are not yet available to Canadian Stripe partners. As soon as these options become available, Cardsphere…

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Young Mage vs Epilepsy

Cardsphere was proud to sponsor this fine young man as he helps raise funds for epilepsy research. Please like and subscribe to all of Rhino's amazing Youtube content!…

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ExoticMTG Reviews Cardsphere

Here we follow along with Exotic MTG as he starts learning about Cardsphere. Part 1: November 7, 2017 Part 2: November 8, 2017 Part 3: November 9, 2017 Part 4: November 17, 2017…

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Brainstorm Brewery 265 - The Cardsphere Episode

If you prefer the podcast version, check it out on MTGcast.

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Gaming Successfully Interview

Our friends over at Life... Successfully interviewed us as part of the ongoing MTG Community Spotlight series. Read the article here. After you do that, why not check their CS profile to see if there are any cards you can send them?…

1 Min Read