Lord Tupperware takes us through the next evolution of BREAD, specifically tuned to guide players through Chaos Drafts: B FREE.
Ted explains adding inventory to Cardsphere, including some tips and tricks you should be using!
Markus Leben applies bottom-up design against the Oblivion Ring bug, and comes up with some interesting new cards along the way.
Andrew Johnson from Tier Fun runs out his Prime Speaker list, taking aspects of old pod lists with just a touch of Twin.
LordTupperware's getting all mushy about having a great new deck that reminds him of Innistrad's Spider Spawning.
Joe's back ruminating on which RNA cards slot into Legacy decks, and doling out Tip and Tricks aplenty.
Darin Keener has some thoughts about why Arena is more expensive for Johnnies, and what can be done about it.
Ted provides advice on how to navigate the dispute process, providing traders and admins with the best possible information.
Cliff Daigle talks about using drop shipping to take advantage of the higher buying power a Cardsphere balance provides.
So, now that KCI is banned, what's the new Modern meta look like? Andrew from Tier Fun shares his thoughts.