It's Wilderness Reclamation's Standard, and we all just play in it. Darin Keener has other ideas: he wants to have some fun.
It's Wilderness Reclamation's Standard, and we all just play in it. Darin Keener has other ideas: he wants to have some fun.
In a world where the best decks always get the attention, Darin Keener provides an in-depth look at the Stanbdard deck he plays for fun,.
Skybilz looks at the monocolored decks that are emerging as possibilities in the new Standard. Cheaper land bases with some real power? Sign us up.
Guillaume Robert returns with another look at the emerging metagame for our new Standard.
Darin Keener lives up to his legacy of running Standard decks with meow.
It's that time again, a new set and new picks from Cardsphere staff and friends. Skybilz and Zuby join Efren and Ted in picking their favorites from MTGM21.
Darin Keener reflects on which older decks may have new life post-banning, or could get new toys with Core 2021.
Skybilz is back and so is Winota. The bannings just made more room for different payoffs and new adventures. @OXG_Esports
Skybilz challenges herself to put Triomes and Shocklands to good use in a levelled up 5 color deck.
Darin Keener shares his opinion of the effects of powerful Standard cards on other formats. Should Play Design really consider Vintage when building a Standard?