Disputes 101

Ted's got some notes from behind the Disputes desk. Read up on how to navigate disputes to the best possible outcomes.

5 Min Read

Team Vintage Super League: Week 3 - The Academy vs Team Cardsphere!

Joe Dyer provides a recap of Team Vintage Super League week three, and how Rich Shay and a badass Esper deck took the night.

13 Min Read

The Eternalist - The King is Dead?

Joe Dyer talks us through an eternal favorite: Miracles.

13 Min Read

UW Pull Control | Standard Sean

Sean Knowleden plays his UW Pull Control Standard list.

1 Min Read

Underage Magic Players

Phil Morris, Papa Mage, returns to speak more about some of the challenges in Magic for young players.

5 Min Read

Team Vintage Super League: Week 2 - So Many Insane Plays vs The Hornet Queens!

Joe Dyer takes us through TSVL Week 2 with his usual enthusiasm for all things Eternal.

12 Min Read

Reassessing the Magic Arena Economy: A Drop in the Ocean

MrLubuFu takes a second look at the Magic: Arena economy. How do the updates affect the player base?

5 Min Read

Fly, Felines, Fly!: Standard UW Wind Guide

Darin Keener takes us through a solid Standard deck to build pre-Dominaria.

8 Min Read

Team Vintage Super League: Week 1 - CFB vs Snapcardster!

Joe Dyer runs down the action from Week 1 of the Team Vintage Super League.

9 Min Read

A Brawl Wizard's Permission

Steve Horton joins us to look ahead to a Brawl deck he's building that depends on many new cards from Dominaria.

4 Min Read