Admit it. Everyone likes to ruin other players' fun every so often. And what could be better than using a deck chock full of enchantments?
Admit it. Everyone likes to ruin other players' fun every so often. And what could be better than using a deck chock full of enchantments?
Darin Keener offers up some sage advice on how to best apply wisdom when making decklist compromises in the name of wildcard austerity.
Darin Keener comes to grips with an Historic without Panharmonicon by keeping an eye on what Wizards is printing for its paper play.
Darin Keener takes a look at the Standard deck that got him playing aggro. Kind of.
Darin Keener categorizes cards in Standard Bant Midrange as a solid core to a toolbox deck.
Looking forward into our new Standard, Darin Keener finds a place for Mox Amber alongside a value engine in Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner.
Darin Keener tips his hat to five older Standard cards that might get a boost in War of the Spark.
Darin Keener comes to accept BO1 and turns out a 3 color wall deck featuring High Alert and Arcades.
Darin Keener has some thoughts about why Arena is more expensive for Johnnies, and what can be done about it.
Quick picks for cards of interest from the Cardsphere team and community members. Special guests Matt Bodensteiner and AlbyMTG.