As the famous Holiday Magic lull looms near, Cliff Daigle examines the best specs you can pick up right now to profit in the future.
Lord Tupperware's still going strong with Eldraing limited, finding new pieces to build around and re-evaluating many cards. Have they slipped below your radar?
Oko is broko and we all expect the banhammer Monday. So, what comes next? Darin Keener puts his money on rejigging an old flame.
AlbyMTG is off to the StarCity Invitational, but first he took the time to explain how he selected the decks he'll be running.
Joe Dyer runs down the most notable decks from Eternal Weekend.
Orren McKay ruminates on the many useful one drops that appear throughout his Commander decks. And a few that get left in the box.
Ted asked the Cardsphere community to share their stories. Here they are.
Guillaume Robert takes a look at what the first Banned and Restricted update of the Pioneer format means for the metagame
Lord Tupperware thinks you're not drafting enough white in #MTGELD. Is your memory of the last few sets causing you to miss out on a good thing?
Darin Keener talks about that little problem called Oko. What options do Standard players have before November 18th?