Window Shopping Is Here!

Greetings Spheroids,
Today we’ve deployed one of the most highly demanded features to be released since we launched: Window Shopping (Part 1). This helps users who have not entered their inventory as Haves find trades. The way the feature has been designed also helps users find great opportunities to attach lower value cards to their existing trades.
Let’s say you crack a KTK Polluted Delta and want to move it quickly. It’s not in your Haves but you just want to send it out as soon as possible. Use the Search feature on the Explore page to find the card. Switch to the Top 10 Offers tab, and click on the User with the best offer to go to their profile page.
On each user’s profile page, you will see the familiar package editor. The controls works the same way as on the Sends page but you are shown all the cards that the user wants, even those which are below your Hide Low Offers threshold you have set and if the user is from a country you don’t include for sends. Your packaging strategy is still used.
If the user has you blocked or doesn’t accept cards from your country, you’ll be notified that this is the case.
Profile pages also let you see all the cards the user currently wants. You can now the add card button in each row to enter matching cards to your Haves. When you do so the page is refreshed, and the card is instantly available in the package editor. The add card button changes color to give you more information.
When you click the button, the add card dialog opens. It will be automatically filtered to match the user’s Wants so you will be prevented from entering a non-match, although you can add as many copies as you want.
We hope that these changes will make your life easier. As always please let us know what we did right, and if there’s anything we can be doing better.
Cardsphere Team.