Year One Coverage Round Up

The Cardsphere Team is very fortunate to have received a lot of very positive coverage in our first year of operation. This is especially true when you consider that as we launched we weren't always the best at getting information out there to control the fear, uncertainty and doubt. Actually, we continue to struggle with this today.
Thankfully, the greater Magic community has welcomed us, and since even before we launched, has given us platforms on which to promote the service. Today, I just want to do a round up of all this coverage.
The impact of Youtube on our signups is enormous. When these solid videos get out, people can see Cardsphere working and hear happy users. I want to thank especially all the people who continue to put out video, even when you're not getting enormous hits. We'll keep trying to promote you guys and build up those numbers.
AlbyMTG has been telling his Cardsphere story for a while now, and provides tutorials.
The BAFDraft runs out of an American Forces Base in Afghanistan. Very early supporters, and excellent traders.
The Appearing on Brainstorm Brewery gave us a tremendous spike of users, people who move a lot of cards, too. These guys had been burned providing coverage for other platforms, so we're doubly appreciative they took a chance with us.
An active trader, Chris Cockrell does many openings on his channel.
Empty Wrapper Games also does many openings of their Cardsphere hauls.
We reached out to Exotic MTG because he previously covered another trading system, and wanted him to try Cardsphere. Start of a beautiful friendship!
Brandon from Grasely Games is an early adopter who has made plenty of haul videos.
We had a great time being interviewed byJ, the Filthy Casual.
One of our all-time favorite content creators, MTG Young Mage continues to impress us every day. The next generation of magic players is pretty cool.
We're big fans of Magic with Zuby and are really thankful to have had the chance to be on the show.
On total amount of coverage, no one can beat Pack Crack Fever. Cardsphere hauls, tutorials and his new 'Trading Up" series. They pretty much started the whole Cardsphere hauls phenomenom. Just ask Efren!
Kevin, the Rogue Deckbuilder was the first really big name to cover us. He's gone on to feature Cardsphere several times, and has probably got us a few hundred users all on his own.
Thanks, The Pauper Metagame, we appreciate the shilling!
Jon Dunning from They Said, We Said has had all the top names on his MTG show, The Hive Mind. This is a criminally underwatched channel - get out there and sub!
It was extra exciting getting a hometown review from We Are Gamers. Ottawa is a Magic city!
Podcasts are great. There's something about sorting cards that seems to need a good podcast playing. We've been very fortunate to have been asked on some of the best.
We're very pleased to have been hosted by Card Knock Life. A great show we continue listen to regularly.
One of the earliest mentions we got was on Cartel Aristocrats. Jeremy was super awesome, correcting some bad assumptions and being fair and even handed. It was very much appreciated.
We were happy to connect with our EU EDH players on Elder Dragon Durdle podcast. Igor has also written for our blog, Trading Posts.
James Chillcot gave us our first ever coverage on MTG Fast Finance. Tom Reeece and Peter Twieg went on to represent Cardsphere.
The guys on the Snapcast were great to work with. Super courteous, even though I showed up late.
Most of the print coverage we've received comes in the form of Reddit posts and other social media. But when opportunities show up to get on a blog, we'll take them every time.
We've been covered by Gaming Successfullymore than once, and they always are happy to give us a boost on social media.
We quickly determined that spending money on Facebook and Twitter ads wasn't really worth the cost. So, we started reinvesting in the Magic community by sponsoring these content providers. We've had a few other sponsorships come and go, but this is our current list.
Going forward our plan is to continue engaging content creators at all levels, and expanding our use of sponsorship.
Kevin and Will from It Resolves are the most recent creators to join the Cardsphere family. These guys make top-notch, entertaining content, and are definitely going places.
We follow a lot of pros, and are big fans of Jeff Hoogland's intelligent, tight play. Very happy to be sponsoring the caliber player!
Ethan, better known as Lord Tupperware is half of the Lord of Limited podcast. Great streams day after day, and loads of top quality limited gameplay.
The other half of the Lord of Limited podcast, Ben AKA Mister Metronome offers more great draft streams, and also shouts us out on social media all the time. We haven;t asked about the hat.
Jeremy from Cartel Aristocrats introduced us to MrLuBuFu at a GP, and because we'd been fans, we got started talking sponsorship. Very pleased this worked out, and he's also written some top articles on Trading Posts.
Erin Campbell set us up with the opportunity to sponsor Eric Froehlich, Reid Duke and Randy Buehler as Team during the ongoing Team Vintage Super League. This is one of the most exciting things that has happened this year. And we say that even having been under the Rich Shay juggernaut!
Final Thought actually that I'm forgetting people. I know I am. I can just feel it.
If you should be in this list and I've forgotten you, please let me know and I will fix it. We're very thankful for everyone's contributions. Immensely so.