Stephen Biston takes a closer look at 5 cards he feels aren't getting the Commander play they should. Do you agree?
At GP Toronto we met Charles Lapointe, an extraordinary talent who makes high quality alters. We invited him on to tell us about it.
Darin takes us through some thoughts about the Dominaria leak. Is Magic dead? Or is this something new for the hardcore to fuss over?
Cardsphere is happy to announce a new money-back guarrantee for new users.
So, you've just finished a prerelease and opened a cool new Legendary creature, or you stumbled on an obscure Legend from your LGS' dollar bin, and now you want to build a Commander deck? Worry not, hypothetical reader, I am here to help you build that deck quicker than…
(First a quick introduction: I'm thrilled to be joining Cardsphere as a resident blogger. I have been streaming MTG on Twitch every weekday for almost eighteen months and have participated in two Streamer Showdowns on that platform. My first game of MTGO was my first stream, and I've streamed…
Howdy folks! This is Joe Dyer here, and last time if you'll recall, we talked about the current state of the Legacy format in early 2018. Now we're shifting gears for a moment to talk about the current state of the Vintage metagame! Vintage is at its core…
Matt Sickmeier takes a look at Goblin Rabblemaster, and whether it has a place in Modern Jund.
A closer look at the stats around Cardsphere's growth over its first 9 months of operations.