2020 Cardsphere Secret Santa Wrap Up

Well here we are, another fun and successful Secret Santa under our belts. We can't thank everyone enough for willingness to send gifts to random strangers on the Internet! Extra special thanks goes to those few special Santa participants who sent second gifts, just in case the first one was truly lost and not just delayed.
As was true with the rest of 2020, Secret Santa had his challenges. He sent his gifts and we waited, and waited, and waited. Then we started getting ants in our pants as time ticked by. A couple of folks started getting their gifts in late December, but most of us kept waiting. Then we started seeing things like this:

Even Secret Santa had his setbacks it would seem. Then the magic started happening. The #secretsanta discord channel started popping as folks belatedly received packages from around their state and around the globe. Even as late as 5 days ago we still saw gifts trickling in.
As Ted says,"We're just trying to make people smile", and in 2020 this community created more smiles than ever.
OK, stat time!
- 69 participants this year, 19% growth over last year, 77% growth over 2017
- 7 countries represented (Canada, USA, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, UK, Texas)
- 2/3 of Cardsphere staff members participated
- Furthest distance a gift travelled: Australia to Texas 8,910 miles (14.256 km)
- Shortest distance a gift travelled: Brooklyn to Campbell Hall 55 miles (88 km)
- Items appearing most in "Interests" other than MTG: Cooking, Warhammer 40K, DnD, Pokemon
- Number of users who received "Way of Kings" as a gift: At least 3
- Number of users who sent more than one gift as their first one was running late and they wanted to make sure their Santa partner received at least one gift: 3 - The true heros of Secret Santa
- There is a difference between Santa, Satan, and Santana
- Batman Returns is a Christmas movie
- Love Actually is a Christmas movie
- As always, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie
Get to the pictures already!

Truly, thank you so much for your willingness to spread joy, the world needs more folks like you.
We'll see you next year!