Sphere of Influence: February 14, 2025

Welcome to Sphere of Influence, a pre-FNM look at some potential movers and shakers that are worth picking up before their prices increase.
In honor of Valentine's Day gracing our calendars, it felt right to highlight a few of Magic's most tender-hearted cards guaranteed to bring the feels as much as they bring the Commander pain. Read 'em and swoon.
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes
The love of a man for his Hamster sounds like something out of a right wing doomsday prophecy, but any Baldur's Gate players know that the bond between Minsc and Boo defies even the nay-est of sayers. The card makes for a fun commander with plenty of room to shine in the 99 among burly Gruul beasties. For $2.50, you, too, can run this dynamic duo and ping opponents' creatures to death…with love.
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds
While available as a combo piece, this Selvala serves just as well as a (high) value engine offering ramp, card draw, and a big enough body to block most tokens. Try it once even with a measly 5/5 and you'll be absolutely smitten - all for $5. Plus, I wouldn't worry too much about your opponents drawing cards off Selvala, since your green deck is likely to out-beefcake the others.
Pyromancer's Goggles
You can't spell "Pyromancer" without "romance," which is fitting for this card based around a planeswalker who loves love. The card is a bit expensive, mana-wise, for what it provides, but still holds tremendous potential for shenanigans in Commander. Its recent reprint in Foundations has driven its price to a mere $1; in the name of love, grab one when you can.
Benevolent Offering
This has quickly become one of my favorite cards in Commander. There's always at least one opponent who could use a few more flying friends and a different opponent who would love you forever if you gifted a bit of life. For yourself, the benefit of this card is huge for only four mana, especially given you receive two life per creature, not one. Give it a shot! It's a bulk rare, so the financial downside is basically zilch.
Be Mine
Have any of the above cards served you well in Commander? Has anyone built a V-Day-themed deck that works well? Let me know!