Cardsphere Marketplace Update: Package Controls for Senders

Hello traders!
Without a doubt, the most requested feature we've had since we launched Cardsphere Marketplace is package control for senders, which was actually the one feature we promised was coming in our Marketplace announcement.
We're happy to say that we've pushed this update for Marketplace senders who want to ensure they are not losing money shipping lower value cards or packages.
How it works
Head over to your settings page, and in the Marketplace settings area, you'll find some new fields:

Hopefully this is all self-explanatory, but here one needs to simply set a dollar value for both domestic and international Marketplace buys, which will prevent anyone from checking out with cards from your buy now listings unless the total price crosses that threshold.

Receivers attempting to check out without having met a seller's threshold receive this message in the package header from that sender, letting the receiver know the total minimum value, and also how short they are from hitting that value. The checkout button is greyed out, and in the future, the package will be excluded from checkout if a receiver attempts to check out from multiple senders at once.
Package controls phase two
Although we received a great number of requests for how this feature should look and work from a lot of very enthusiastic Marketplace early adopters, we ultimately stuck with Cardsphere's longstanding philosophy of pushing out a minimally viable product and then iterating more features post-launch.
This simple implementation of package controls should handle a vast majority of use-cases, while also laying groundwork for future development. With that said, we are already working on an update to this feature which will add another popular request. Our next update will allow receivers to combine Marketplace items with packages already committed, as long as the total value surpasses the senders shipping threshold.
We'll have more information on that and other features coming to Cardsphere in the very near future.
Thank you, as always!