Sphere of Influence: January 31, 2025

Steve Heisler • January 31, 2025

Welcome to Sphere of Influence, a pre-FNM look at some potential movers and shakers that are worth picking up before their prices increase.

Thanks to Innistrad Remastered for dropping the prices of some fabulous Commander staples that have sat just out of reach, price-wise, for some time. Here are some of my favorites to grab.

Bloodline Keeper

This level of typal support usually carries a hefty price tag, and, fittingly, Bloodline Keeper sat at more than $20 in recent years. Now that the card is $6, it qualifies as a worthy pickup before fans of Vamps go ham trying to build their Edgar Markov


Cryptolith Rite

For a card that has been significantly outclassed at this point - most recently by Enduring Vitality

- Cryptolith Rite has held onto the Commander format for dear life. Its current $3 price tag feels more appropriate to its power level.

Vanquish the Horde

Few Commander players ever pay more than for this most excellent board wipe, which has, unfortunately, been in light reprint rotation since appearing in Midnight Hunt. This edition brings its price down to that of a bulk rare, making it one of the best bang-for-your-less-than-a-buck board wipes around.


Going infinite anytime soon? Gravecrawler remains one of the most efficient ways to do so in black (alongside Warren Soultrader

, notably). It also throws down quite well with Skullclamp
and any number of other sac outlets. For only $1.50, all this can be yours, too.

Remaster and Commander

Any cards from Innistrad Remastered you've been dying to put into a Commander deck but the price was previously an obstacle? Is Edgar Markov

going to be everyone's chase card? Let me know!